martes, 6 de febrero de 2007

Crazy Chicken (Ravensburger)

110 Cartas “gallina”:

- 20 “Billy the Chick”

- 18 “Gallo Gómez”

- 16 “Superhen”

- 14 “Napoulet Bonaparte”

- 12 “Chiken King”

- 9 “Charles Chickenbergh”

- 8 “Thomas Cock”

- 7 “Maria Gachas”

- 6 Marilyn Henroe”

110 “Chiken” Cards

- 20 “Billy the Chick”

- 18 “Gallo Gomez”

- 16 “Superhen”

- 14 “Napulet Bonaparte”

- 12 “Chiken King”

- 9 “Charles Chickenbergh”

- 8 “Thomas Cock”

- 7 “Maria Gachas”

- 6 Marilyn Henroe”

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